Corpus Chatbot X

Literary Cartographic and Quantitative Models of Czech Novels from the 19th to 21st Century

The project has three main objectives. The first one is to present a corpus of literary and cartographic models of fictional topographies of Czech prose that strongly thematise Prague. The purpose of the database is to make available map models of fictional topographies of Prague in Czech prose, especially from the second half of the 19th century onwards, which should serve to analyse and compare structural and morphological correspondences and differences in the ways of configuring the literary topography of Prague in literary works. The insights that emerge from these comparisons should contribute to a more systematic understanding of the more complex and complex issues of literary representation of Prague. The second aim is to present selected quantitative models that add another important dimension to literary-cartographic models by providing specific and unique statistical information about texts that map models do not contain. By combining the two main methodologies (mapping and quantitative analysis), it is possible to arrive at results that are able to provide completely original and otherwise difficult to obtain information that offers the potential to become a significant source of new insights into the ways in which Prague topography is treated in Czech literature and how it relates to other structural features of texts. The third part of the project is the Linguistic Literary Corpus, which adds further potential to the project by providing the possibility to mine literary texts based on predefined corpus analysis options (collocation, concordance, word frequency distribution, word types, word search in close contexts, sentiment analysis, etc.). A technical description of the project and its unified functions can be found in the Info section.

Corpus Statistics
Texts 172
Authors 20
Authors of 19th / 20th / 21th Century 11 / 5 / 3