News & Archive
The websites are still under development. All updates will be posted here in the News & Archive section on an ongoing basis. Each author corpus is first published in its language section to make it as fast as possible to work with. This is followed by cartographic models of the fictional topography of Prague and other quantitative models that relate to text segments, etc. The selection of authors you will find in the corpus is provisional. More authors will be added. Considering the large time span (19th-21st century), this is a long-term project, which thus fulfils the criterion of sustainability. If you have problems with viewing the dynamic graphs, try clearing your browser (delete browsing data in browser settings) and trying again. OCR of texts is performed by using ABBY Fine Reader. The map models are created in Adobe Illustrator. If you find any errors, please send a message to:
Statement of the Czech Association for Digital Humanities on the evaluation and recognition of research results
- The novels "Mlýn na mumie" and "Pérák" by Petr Stančík was added into corpus.
- The GIS of "Aspoň se pousměj" by Jakub Arbes was added into corpus.
- The GIS of "Můj přítel vraj" by Jakub Arbes was added into corpus.
- Added Chat Bot on Home Page.
- Added lexical diversity chart of all texts in corpus.
- Added statistic charts of Residents and Houses in Prague Districts.
- Added CQL for each author and for the whole corpus.
- The novels from "Kniha novel a povídek IV" by Jakub Arbes and the novel "Štrajchpudlíci" was added in the language corpus.
- A new website layout has been uploaded and corrected some errors in scripts. Missing databases have been added and GIS models are gradually being extended.
- The novels "Poslední dnové lidstava" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- Humanities and social sciences from the perspective of digital humanities - conference at Palacký University in Olomouc
- The novels from "Knihy novel a povídek I" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Duhový bod nad hlavou" & "Lilie v úpalu slunečním" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Advokát chuďasů" & "Lotr Gólo" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The CSV file was update.
- GIS of "Etiopská lilie" by Jakub Arbes was adedd to corpus.
- Overview of the topics of the conference Humanities and Social Sciences from the perspective of Digital Humanities II.
Click here to enlarge.
- The project was presented at the "Night of Scientists".
- The novel "Na košatkách" by Karolina Světlá was added in the language corpus.
- Corpus-wide statistical values have been corrected. A search for basic statistic measures for individual authors has been added to the Basic Satistic page.
- The novel "Škapulíř" by Karolina Světlá was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Mladá paní Zapletalová" by Karolina Světlá was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Závěrka aneb ztížená možnost happy-endu" by Miloš Urban was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Perunův den" by Daniela Hodrová was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Poslední Češka" by Karolina Světlá was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Anděl západního okna" by Gustav Meyrink was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Zelená tvář" by Gustav Meyrink was added in the language corpus.
- The novels from "Knihy novel a povídek III" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novels from "Knihy novel a povídek II" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- GIS maps of Arbes's novels was updated.
- The CSV file was update.
- The CSV file of corpus was grounded in Open Data.
- A new page with a basic statistical overview has been added to the main menu.
- The novel "Návrat starého varana" by Michal Ajvaz was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Moderní upíři" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Točité věty" by Daniela Hodrová was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Vražda v hotelu Intercontinental" by Michal Ajvaz was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Příběh dušičkový" by Ignát Herrmann was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Anděl míru III" & "Anděl míru IV" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Továrna na maso" by Miloš Urban was added in the language corpus.
- The size of the corpus exceeded 5 million tokens.
- The novel "Pekla zplozenci" by Josef Jiří Kolár was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Luxemburská zahrada" by Michal Ajvaz was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Historie o doktoru Faustovi" by Ignát Herrmann was added in the language corpus.
- Dispersion of Narrative Segments on the Timeline has been added.
- Scatter plots of toponyms has been added.
- The novel "Pražská vizitka" by Gustav Meyrink was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Město vidím" by Daniela Hodrová was added in the language corpus.
- The second year of the "Humanities and Social Sciences from a Digital Humanities Perspective" conference will take place on 8-9 November at Palacky University in Olomouc.
- The novels "Anděl míru I, II" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- Frequency models of the text segments of "Křivoklad" by K. H. Mácha was added to the web environment.
- Literary cartographic models, GIS model, density of locations models and character wandering networsk models of "Křivoklad" by K. H. Mácha was added to web environment.
- Literary cartographic models, GIS model, frequency models of the text segments of "Márinka" by K. H. Mácha was added to web environment.
- The novel "Proces" by Franz Kafka was added in the language corpus.
- The short story collection "Z pražských zákoutí" (ZPZ) by Ignát Herrmann was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války (2. díl)" by Jaroslav Hašek was added in the language corpus.
- A new words in context tool has been added to all corpus.
- The novel "Pole a palisáda" by Miloš Urban was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Temno" by Alois Jirásek was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Otec Kondelík a ženich Vejvara" by Ignát Herrmann was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Nový epochální výlet pana Broučka, tentokráte do XV. století" and "Pravý výlet pana Broučka do Měsíce" by Svatopluk Čech was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Temno" by Alois Jirásek was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Agitator" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Legenda pražská, "Legenda toledská" and "Legenda slovesnká" was added in the language corpus.
- Graphs of secred spaces was added in Arbes's, Macha's and Hašek's corpus.
- Research Fellowship: Building a Literary Corpus of the 19th Century Czech Prose.
- The novel "Adamité" by Jakub Arbes's 'was added in the language corpus.
- In 9. november the conference "Humanities and Social Sciences from a Digital Humanities Perspective" was held at Czech Deparetment of Palacky University in Olomouc. The conference was co-organized by Centre for Digital Humanities in Literary and Book Studies.
- The Novel "Zborcené harfy tón" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- A new tool Clusters of Sentiment is being added. You find them in section Sentiment Analysis & Word Clouds.
- The novel "Anna a Marie" by Jakub Arbes's 'was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Dva barikádníci" by Jakub Arbes's 'was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Santiniho jazyk" and "Boletus Arcanus" by Miloš Urban was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Hastrman I", Hastrman II and "Michaela" by Miloš Urban was added in the language corpus.
- Now it is possible to searching the whole corpus (concordance).
- Now it is also possible to search for concordances in the whole author's work in each author's coprus. A link to the search form is located on every Concordance page.
- The novels "Vymírající hřbitov" and "Kandidáti existence" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Kašpar Lén mstitel" by Karel Matěj Čapek-Chod was added in the language corpus.
- The novels "Šílený Job" and "Můj přítel vrah" by Jakub Arbes was added in the language corpus.
- The novel "Jan Maria Plojhar" by Julius Zeyer was added into the language corpus.
- The novel "Bílý dominikán" by Gustav Meyrink was added into the language corpus.
- The ability to search for shapes by complete morphological tags was added.
- The novel "Praga Piccola" by Miloš Urban was added into the language corpus.
- The novel "Filozofská historie" by Alois Jirásek was added into the language corpus.
- The novel "Santa Lucia" by Vilém Mrštík was added into the language corpus.
- 5 volumes of Alois Jirásek's novels F. L. Věk have been added and more novels by Jakub Arbes are being added into corpus.
- Added a web page with network model types for Arbes and Hasek. The link can be found on the web page Character Wandering Networks.
- The corpus of Karel Hynek Mácha's novels has been completed.
- The novel "Valpuržina noc" by Gustav Meyrink was added in the language corpus.
- Selected novels by Miloš Urban were included in the language corpus.
- A map showing the gradual destruction of Prague's walls during the 19th century has been added. The link to the map can be found in the description of the page with literary-cartographic models.
- The novel "Druhé město" by Michal Ajvaz was added in to language corpous.
- Added the ability to search for concordances in each of the Tales of "Povídky malostranské".
- The new feature has been added - colocation, TTR, MATR and Entropy.
- The new style of text-segment graphs and piecharts was addded.
- The new websites designe was uploaded.
- Miroslav Vepřek, Vladimír Polách and Richard Změlík grounded The Center for Digital Humanities in Literary and Book Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc.
- Cartographic models of Švejk (1 part) by Jaroslav Hašek have been added.