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The project consists of two main pillars. The first is cartographic models of fictional topographies of Prague, starting (with the exception of Karel Hynek Macha) with Czech literature from the second half of the 19th century. The database consists of both these models and network maps linking fictional topographies based on the movements of characters, as well as place density models showing which Prague places were literary thematized in a given period and to what extent. This information can be searched separately with respect to the author's choice (left panel). All models can be downloaded in bitmap format for further individual comparison. The database also includes graphs of the frequency load of toponyms for individual prose pieces and for the entire work of a given author, graphs of the frequency of selected segments of the text, followed by a comparison graph showing the lengths of individual segments, as well as a database of the distribution of sentence lengths in specific works in the form of boxplots, the so-called word noises, which show the most frequent autosemantics that statistically index the central motifs of the work, and finally a graph called sentiment analysis, which shows the degree of positive and negative emotionality for each work of the selected author. The second pillar is the corpus, which includes a search for word types according to a given tag for a given word type, a concordance search and a lemma frequency search, and a frequency list listing for a given work. A detailed description of the project structure and other statistical parameters about each sub-corpus are available here.

The maps placed in the database can be used in literary cartographic analyses to trace the structure of fictional topographies and their transformations, also depending on the period-cartographic nature of the place. The corpus can be used for basic searches of word frequencies, word types and concordances.

To access all the raw data that is part of the project, use the login at this link.

Publication and conference outputs from the project are available here.

Within the course Digital humanities in literary science, from ZS 2021/22, the Department of Bohemistics at the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc teaches basic programming skills focused on natural language analysis. A link to the current programme and teaching materials is available. here.

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